1st Semester CY 2019 Assessment Report
The CY 2019 First Semester DSWD Assessment Report aims to objectively assess the progress of the Department’s performance for the first half of CY 2019 and provide recommendations that require necessary actions from the DSWD management and concerned oversight agencies, in line with the performance indicators reflected in the DSWD Strategic Results Framework. This is among the major outputs of the Harmonized Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation System (HPMES) that emanated from reports from the Central Office – Office, Bureaus, and Services and the Field Offices.
The result of the previous year’s performance demand for ensuring responsiveness and adequacy of DSWD programs and services. However, major challenges remain on Human and budgetary resource constraints which undermines the operational performance of the Department; weak targeting and monitoring and evaluation; declining benefit level of cash grants that requires other forms of assistance available in other agencies to complement its support; limited information on DSWD indicators; and frequent changes in operational guidelines delay the implementation of programs.

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