Process Evaluation of Supplementary Feeding Program
This research was supported by the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) Funds. One key objective of the funding support was to improve the delivery of the Department’s core social protection programs through the provision of evidence- based recommendations in addressing operational requirements and issues.
The Policy Development and Planning Bureau- Research and Evaluation Division (PDPB –RED) would like to express great appreciation to Dr. Enrique Lozari from the Pilipinas Monitoring and Evaluation Society for his valuable and constructive suggestions during the planning and development of this research work. His willingness to give his time and patience so generously with the team in writing the report has been very much appreciated.
The PDPB – RED would also like to show gratitude to the Program Management Bureau (PMB) for providing the team with necessary data and documents related to SFP. We also thank all the DSWD Field Offices (FOs) for their assistance in the process of data collection. Both PMB and DSWD FOs were very supportive in terms of their participation in trainings and workshops under the study. Also, the FGDs and KIIs would not be smoothly conducted without the competent facilitators and transcriptionists hired for the purpose of this study.
This study would not be possible without the support of the Policy and Plans management. We are deeply grateful to Undersecretary Jose Antonio Hernandez, Assistant Secretary Joseline P. Niwane and OIC Assistant Bureau Director Hannah Giray- Carcido.
Finally, the PDPB – RED is very grateful to all the Key Informants and participants of the survey and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) who generously shared their time, experience, and materials for the purposes of this study