Study of Social Welfare and Development Budget of Local Government Units in Region III

Apr 17, 2019 | FO Initiated Research

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The study is focused on the LSWDO budget, implementation of devolved programs and services and the hindering factors encountered by the LSWDOs in budget plan preparation. Specifically, this research looked into the LSWDO regular budget and how much is allotted to SWD programs and services; what devolved programs are implemented by the LGUs and the hindering factors that were encountered by the C/MSWDOs that influenced the budget
allocation for social welfare.

The descriptive type of research, with a questionnaire as the main instrument, was utilized in this study. This was supplemented by personal interviews with the respondents and documents review.A total of 95 City and Municipal Social Welfare and Development Offices (C/MSWDO) respondents or seventy three (73) percent of the 130 (C/MSWDO) in the region have complied with the requirements of the study. Based on the results of the study, it was found out that the LGUs have different  practices in allocating budget for C/MSWDOs. Out of the 95 LGU respondents, 86 or 91 % have separate budget for their office. On the other hand, there were nine (9) LGUs or 11% whose  budget does not include SWD programs but are lodged with the Office of the Mayor or other offices. It is worthy to note that 84 or 88% of the C/MSWDOs were given budget above 1million pesos and as high as 24 million pesos (City of Meycauayan, Bulacan). However, in terms of percentages of the ratio of the budget of SWD programs to the MOOE, 49 or 51% of LGUs
have budget within the standard percentage ratio of 70-30.

Similar to the findings of related research, this study reveal that the DCS, AICS, Emergency Relief Assistance are topping the list of most implemented devolved programs. Likewise, the issuance of Sr. Citizens and PWD ID which are post devolution services are being carried out by all the LGUs. On the other hand, the least implemented programs by the C/MSWDOs; while the Community Welfare are the Women Welfare, Persons with Disabilities
and Older Persons Welfare Program Program is no longer implemented by the LGUs.

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Study of Social Welfare and Development Budget of Local Government Units in Region III