Philippines Conditional Cash Transfer Program Impact Evaluation 2012

Apr 4, 2019 | CO Initiated Research

Year Published: 2013
Conducted By: The World Bank

The specific objectives of the program are to: (i) keep children in school, (ii) keep children healthy, and (iii) invest in the future of children. It reflects the Government’s commitment to promote inclusive growth by investing in human capital to improve education and health outcomes for poor children and pregnant women. The program is based on the premise that poverty is not about income alone but is multi-dimensional, and factors such as access to basic social services and social environments matter.

A carefully designed, comprehensive, and rigorous impact evaluation was conducted as the first of a three-wave evaluation study to assess the program’s initial effectiveness in achieving its objectives. As part of the Government’s commitment to evaluating its development programs, an impact evaluation for Pantawid Pamilya was designed and implemented from the very initial stages of program planning. The study was designed to represent the first implementation phase (known as Set 1 which took place between June 2008 and April 2009) of the program, since the program’s scale-up plan was not yet in place at the time of study design.

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Philippines Conditional Cash Transfer Program Impact Evaluation 2012

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