Process Evaluation of the Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situtation (AICS)
The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) implements the Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situation (AICS) to support the recovery of individuals and families from unexpected crises such as illness or death of a family member, natural and human-made calamities, and other crises situations. As the leader in social protection, the DSWD is mandated to contribute to better and improved quality of life for the citizenry. Priority attention is given to the poor, vulnerable, and marginalized sectors of society.
In 1992, the Department committed its full support to devolution as embodied in the Local Government Code of 1991. The AICS and Crisis Intervention were among the components of the devolved Emergency Assistance Program. The AICS refers to the provision of limited assistance, in cash or in kind, to individuals/families who are hampered to function normally because of socio-economic difficulties. Meanwhile, the Crisis Intervention refers to the provision of emotional/psychological support to distressed individuals or victims of disaster which allows the ventilation and sharing of experiences, feeling and reactions to relieve individuals of tension, anxiety, etc. and to take action to resolve such problems or reduce stress.
In 2003, the Executive Order (EO) No. 221 amended the EO No. 15, series of 1998, “Redirecting the Functions and Operations of the Department of Social Welfare and Development”. The EO redirected the Department to implement crisis intervention. As a result, the Department issued an administrative order on implementing guidelines on the management of DSWD operated crisis intervention units. These units provided immediate response to crisis situations affecting individuals and families, who are not considered constituents of LGUs where they are situated during the occurrence of crisis, or when their respective LGUs cannot respond to their needs.
The ultimate goal of the AICS is to ensure that the individuals in crisis or difficult situation have increased access to various social protection programs and services apart from being enabled to meet the material or financial requirements for their immediate needs. This makes the AICS program not just needs-based but also helps in improving people’s capacity to manage risks. In order to achieve the said goal, the AICS ensures the provision of direct financial and material assistance as well as psychosocial counselling and referral services. The direct financial and material assistance will relieve them from their immediate needs while the counseling service will enable them to understand and process personal, social, and psychological distresses and difficulties. Whereas, the referral services can help in ensuring access to wide range of services that will help to reduce financial burden of the family and improve care pathways for the beneficiaries. These services will then guarantee that the individual or family in a crisis situation will be equipped to continue their living despite the difficult situation that they have encountered.