2022 IPREW – Management Report
An institutionalized process to ensure that performance issues and strategies are documented and responded to by accountable offices, especially the leadership, the Integrated Performance Review, and Evaluation Workshop (IPREW) Management Report provides the executive officers the means to apply the necessary interventions to help the Department reach its targets and address issues that would impede the agency achieve its intended results that are aligned to its Strategic Plan. The Management Report is a result of multi-level reviews and evaluation of different offices of the Department of its programs, systems, and processes, vis-à-vis its agency objectives.
This report outlines the actions taken and recommendations to the management that will help address performance issues based on the progress of operating units on their contributions to the DSWD Strategic Plan 2018-2022 Results Framework and its corresponding Strategic Position under the DSWD Strategy 2028. Hence, this document communicates the critical management actions and recommendations to the Secretary and Cluster Heads to drive and support the offices in achieving their targets.
Specifically, offices utilized their respective Office Performance Contracts (OPCs) and Annual Work and Financial Plans (AWFP) in assessing their unit performance. Both of these documents contain cascaded agency-level commitments along the DSWD Strategy and compliance with the Ease of Doing Business Act and the Department-Wide ISO 9001:2015 Certification Project.
For CY 20222, the report is limited to a total of nine (9) Central Office Bureaus, Offices, and Services (OBS)3 – primarily under the Office of the Secretary Group (OSG); Operations Group (OpG); Standards and Capacity Building Group (SCBG); General Administration and Support Services Group (GASSG); and its 15 Field Offices (FOs) that have both conducted and completed their documented results which have become the basis of the Report. It also reflected the status of the implementation of agency-level targets, and more importantly, the operational factors that affected such performance. The remaining offices have either not yet conducted their respective Performance Review and Evaluation Workshops (PREW), not yet resolved the concerns that have emerged in their own office, or responded to their Field Office counterpart, and/or fully documented its results, actions/recommendations.