SWDI Spot Check Final Report 2023

Aug 15, 2024 | CO Initiated Research, Research and Evaluation Studies

Year Published: November 2023
Conducted By: Policy Development and Planning Bureau

The Social Welfare and Development Indicators (SWDI) serve as a Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Management tool used for assessing the well-being of beneficiaries and guiding grassroots case management. In September 2023, the DSWD conducted a SWDI assessment involving 1,207,545 household beneficiaries tagged as non-poor in Listahanan 3.
To ensure the accuracy, validity, and reliability of the SWDI, the Policy Development and Planning Bureau (PDPB) conducted spot checks across six (6) regions nationwide. These spot checks utilized a two-stage sampling design, combining purposive and simple random sampling without replacement for both stages.
The SWDI Spot Check process involves several measures to uphold data quality. It includes the observation of actual assessments and interviews by City/Municipal Links (C/MLs) to validate the accuracy of asking questions and scoring based on the approved SWDI Manual. Additionally, beneficiaries underwent re-interviews with spot check team to provide independent assessments and feedback, with their score sheets cross-referenced with those filled out by C/MLs. The spot check team also inspects encoding stations, verifying whether encoding is performed by hired encoders and through the SWDI-Information System, while randomly comparing encoded SWDI score sheets with the original ones. Following field spot checks, the PDPB carries out SWDI-IS data validation to detect encoding errors, inconsistencies, and inaccuracies in the data.
In total, this spot check covered observing 229 C/MLs, re-assessing 280 4Ps beneficiaries, interviewing 24 encoders, and validating 360 SWDI forms in SWDI-IS. This comprehensive process aimed to ensure the integrity of SWDI data and its role in the well-being assessment of beneficiaries.

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SWDI Spot Check Final Report 2023

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