Evaluation of DSWD Residential Care Facilities

Feb 20, 2020 | CO Initiated Research

Year Published: 2020
Conducted By: Research & Evaluation Division - Policy Development and Planning Bureau

Since 1950’s, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) has been providing 24-hour nurturing environment to various vulnerable sectors through its residential care facilities. These centers serve as home and provide rehabilitation programs/services for children in need of special protection, youth with special needs, women in especially difficult circumstances, older persons, persons with disability and individuals in crisis. Relative to the implementation of residential care services, regulatory functions specifically accreditation of services of centers are performed by the Department through the Standards Bureau (SB) to help the facilities comply with/maintain the standards in providing optimal services to its clients.

SWD programs and services implemented by centers are being assessed by SB against the five (5) work areas of standards in accreditation namely Administration and Organization, Program Management, Case Management, Helping Strategies/Interventions and Physical Structures and Safety. Upon assessment, the SWDAs may be accredited as level 1, 2, or 3 compliance with accreditation valid for three, four, and five years, respectively. Within 60 days prior to expiration of accreditation, the SWDAs shall apply for renewal of accreditation. Failure to do so will subject the SWDAs for suspension and revocation of registration certificate and license to operate.

Cognizant of the importance of accreditation of centers as reflected in the Thrusts and Priorities for CY 2018, the DSWD-Policy Development and Planning Bureau conducted an evaluation study entitled “Evaluation of  Implementation of DSWD Residential Care Programs and Services and its Link with Levels of Accreditation” to examine how various levels of accreditation are linked with the effectiveness of programs and services delivered by DSWD-run residential care facilities; to investigate the efficiency of accreditation processes; and if these accredited facilities are indeed producing positive change/intended outcomes.

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Evaluation of DSWD Residential Care Facilities