Listahanan 2 National Results
Listahanan or the National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction (NHTS-PR) is a unified information management system that uses an objective targeting mechanism to identify who and where the poor are in the country. Based on the system’s identified poor households, the government’s social protection programs and resources are able to equitably distributed and prioritized. This is a DSWD-led initiative through the department’s National Household Targeting Office with a National Technical Advisory Group composed of Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) and members from the academe.
The first Listahanan (Listahanan 1) databank with over 5M profiled poor households was put up in 2011. To date, this rich database of information has served over 1,200 local and government agencies including NGOs as their basis in determining rightful beneficiaries for their programs and services.